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The Public Education Team at the Amherst Fire District is a very busy group. There are several annual events that take place that we participate in programs every year. Of course, we believe in teaching fire safety everyday though.

The Portage County “Keep the Wreath Green” program will start on Thanksgiving Day and run through New Years. The “Keep the Wreath Green” campaign is designed to raise public awareness of home fires during the holidays. Each Fire Department in Portage County is displaying a wreath that starts the season with all green bulbs. When a structure fire happens during the season, each wreath will have one green bulb replaced with a red one. The goal is to keep as many green bulbs in the wreath as possible. Many fire departments are offering holiday safety tips during the season. You can visit the new Amherst Fire District website at to find out more on how you can keep your family safe during the holiday season. The Fire fighters, First Responders and Ambulance staff wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season
Victor R. Voss Fire Chief

Closing doors on your way out slows the spread of fire, giving you more time to safely escape. In some cases, smoke or fire may prevent you from exiting your home or apartment building. To prepare for an emergency like this, practice "sealing yourself in for safety" as part of your home fire escape plan.

Home Preparation Tips for Weather Emergencies
Burn, rake or mow? A seasonal question
Fire Safety on the Farm
Preventing Fireworks Disasters
Grilling Safety Tips- Stay Safe at Home This Summer
Fire Safety Tips: The Camper’s Handy Guide to Fire Safety Outdoors
Fire Prevention, Preparedness & Recovery

Carbon Monoxide (CO) can be a sneaky enemy. Because it is invisible, odorless and tasteless, it can hurt you before you even know it's there. Avoiding dangerous activities and checking for good ventilation can prevent most CO buildup. CO alarms can warn you if a problem occurs.

American Radio Relay League
ARRL Field Day is the largest on-the-air operating event in Amateur Radio. It draws tens of thousands of radio amateurs to the airwaves each year, bringing new and experienced ham radio operators together. Field Day is a radio operating activity, educational event, and public demonstration…all rolled-up in FUN! By setting up in parking lots, parks, malls, emergency centers, and at home, hams develop skills to better serve the Amateur Radio Service and their communities.
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