Engine 1
2009 Custom Fire 2000 GPM Rescue/Pumper
Primary Assignment: 1st out engine
Special equipment:
Cascade system, Night Scan
Light tower, Traffic Command board
On board Class A foam system
Thermal Imaging camera
Gas detector
TNT Rescue tools, High and low pressure air bags
Due for replacement: ~ 2050

Engine 10
2003 Pierce 1250 GPM Pumper with 61' "Skyboom" Aerial
Primary Assignment: 2nd out engine
Special equipment:
Aerial master stream
On board Class A foam system
Thermal Imaging camera
Gas detector
High angle rescue ropes and harnesses
Due for replacement: ~ 2028

Engine 8
1986 Ford/Grumman 1000 GPM pumper
Primary Assignment: Supply/reserve engine
Special equipment:
Deck gun/deluge master stream
Due for replacement: ~ as necessary
Note: All engines are equipped with: 2-1 3/4" attack lines (both preconnected), 2-2 ½" attack lines (1 preconnected), 5" LDH supply hose, various hose fittings, positive and negative pressure ventilation fans, chain saw or "K12" saw, utility ropes, salvage covers and equipment, self contained breathing apparatus, hand held radios for all crew members, "Streamlite" flashlights, Class B foam, eductors, and nozzles, electrical generators and lights, chimney fire equipment, fire extinguishers, and hand tools.

Tanker 15
2000 Freightliner/Monroe 2000 gallon tanker
Special equipment: 3000 gallon "portable drop tank"
2-290 GPM portable pumps
Primary Assignment: 1st out tanker
Due for replacement -2025

Tanker 17
1993 Ford/Monroe 3000 gallon tanker
Primary Assignment: 2nd out tanker
Special Equipment: 3000 gallon "portable drop tank"2000 gallon "portable drop tank"500 GPM portable pump6" "Jet Siphon"
Due for replacement: ~ 2018

Rescue 2
Ford F-350 and Trailer
Primary assignment: Technical and special rescue
Secondary Assignment: Department utility vehicle
Special Equipment: Technical and special rescue equipment Ropes, harnesses, and rigging equipment Hand tools Power tools Air tools Support struts Lumber (for blocking, bracing, and shoring)
Due for replacement: ~2025

Brush 1
Primary Assignment:
Special Equipment:
Due for replacement: as needed

58 Medic 1
2016 Road Rescue
Primary Assignment: All EMS calls
Special Equipment: Fully equipped Advanced Life Support ambulance
EMS trauma, medical, and pediatric crash packs
Long boards, scoop stretcher, and stair chair Full splinting sets
12 lead cardiac monitor
LUCAS-Chest Compression System
Onboard and portable oxygen, Onboard and portable suction Onboard blanket warmer
CAD portable GPS
Due for replacement: as needed (owned by Portage County)

Car 5
2016 Ford Explore
Primary Assignment: 1st out on all Emergency Medical calls
Special Equipment: EMS crash pack and defibrillator
Oxygen and airway aids (including "I-gels")
Powered airway suction
EMT Med pack
Pediatric care pack
Long board & "C" collars
Full splint set
Car 6
2022 Ford Explore
Primary Assignment: 2nd out on all Emergency Medical calls
Special Equipment: EMS crash pack and defibrillator
Oxygen and airway aids (including "I-gels")
Powered airway suction
EMT Med pack
Pediatric care pack
Long board & "C" collars
Full splint set

Utility Off Road Vehicle
2012 Kubota
Primary Assignment: Off road rescue, EMS, fire attack, personnel and equipment movement.
Special Equipment: Stokers Basket, EMS Trauma Kit and AED, 50 gallon water tank. Custom body and Legend Air Suspension http://legendsuspensions.com/
Due for replacement: as needed

Mobile Medical/Incident Command
Mobile Medical/Incident Command Trailer
Primary Assignment:
Special Equipment: